How many fish are there?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

DElicious Flickr

Well Well Well short lesson today :) yay and i seem to be out of bloody internet at home which is really ticking me off especially when I'm living off $100 a fortnight due to bloody rego and insurance what a crock of S^%! rego is. Well enough about me this blog is about DEF, well i have to show my happiness about DE because yeah ill give Damien credit, its pretty good with the book marking but anything else i dont know much more bout it, probably has some other epicness to it but i wil have to fiddle abit more :P but F, well its good.............. thats it haha its good, not so enthusiastic, but it is very good for photographers to get there works out if they are looking to just start or show there new Picture to their clients or what not.

Liking them though I'm loving this class showing me more things and giving me more info about creating a web ID, which will be useful for trying to spread the awareness of certain things :P which i like promotion like just the gathering of ideas and mental juices flowing and expanding, EXPanding, EXPANDING, until BANG you have yourself the final production looking at its with enjoyment and relief that its over.................... until your partner turns around and say "is that it"............ straying a bit off topic but yeah loves the whole web ID process and building tis fun.

Well To Veiw Click On DE of F

1 comment:

  1. I so totally get the excitement and satisfaction of accomplishing something only to show someone and have them say 'is that it' or 'it's ok' pfft wtf?! I turn around and tell him he has no idea what he is talking about anyways haha and agree with the Flickr's ok...still not sure what all the excitement is and I am a photographer... well a wannabe at this stage :/
