How many fish are there?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Counter Strike Source??? HA! If we talked about My CSS i would be in heaven :P, but we don't so Pfftt! CSS for HTML's are tricky, with the separation of The Content (writing, links etc) and The Design (borders, arrangement etc). CSS makes the whole web page designing a lot easier because if the Design is stuffed up it doesn't disturb the Content. Templates have to do with the Design mostly, looking at Blogspot the template is generally the same for everyone but it can be customized at will with out the persons Content changing which is also Kool, templates can change fonts, colours and a whole abundant of stuff for the user to personalize there pages. Templates still have restrictions though and can only be changed to an extent.

Accessibility is just well, AWESOME, it allows use for people with disabilities which helps the disabled operate certain site, for example the blind can have a reading aid which reads the m the page content which is all round awesome and i would like purely because of laziness though :P

All My writing on my page is the same but if you notice the colour's have been changed with purple borders and different coloured writing aha we didn't have to save the changes but i quite like mine so they are staying :D

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